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Who We Are

The Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC) is a federation of Australian red meat and livestock national employer associations and commodity representative organisations. RMAC members are the prescribed Peak Industry Bodies under the Australian Meat and Livestock Industry Act 1997, including the:


Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council

Australian Lot Feeders’ Association

Australian Meat Industry Council

Cattle Australia

Sheep Producers Australia

Goat Industry Council of Australia

What We Do

RMAC’s core business is to:



Provide cross-sector advice to the Commonwealth Government

Provide a forum for the resolution of cross-sector issues

Act as trustee of the red meat industry fund

Review and assist the effective workings of the MOU and industry 

strategic plan, Red Meat 2030

The Red Meat MOU

The red meat industry Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) defines the roles, responsibilities and obligations of, and commitments and other matters agreed by, the Peak Industry Bodies, MLA, AMPC, LiveCorp and the Commonwealth Government.

Image by Emerson Vieira

Our Red Meat Industry Structure

Distinct from government, industry structure is based on ownership of industry service agencies, with accountability of those agencies to the industry stakeholders they represent. The Commonwealth Government has empowered MLA (producing sector’s delivery company), LiveCorp (livestock exporting sector’s deliver company) and AMPC (processing sector’s delivery company) to receive statutory levies.  This empowerment is formalised in various documents which set out agreements between the Peak Industry Bodies, Industry Companies and the Federal Government.​RMAC is intended to ensure this structure operates holistically and national organisations interact effectively on behalf of the industry. RMAC also provides the national interface between the red-meat industry and Government. Peak Industry Bodies are given the responsibility of providing leadership, formulating policies and setting strategic imperatives for the sectors they represent, and giving policy advice to the Minister on sector-specific issues.  The Peak Industry Bodies also assess the performance of their respective sector companies (MLA, AMPC or LiveCorp) and are required to interact with the companies in goal-setting and on funding requirements.

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