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Red Meat 2030

 We have set the ambitious vision for 2030 of 

 doubling the value of Australian red meat sales 

 as the trusted source of the highest quality 



 To achieve this, we must address all the 

 aspects of what makes our industry great: our 

 people, our customers/consumers/communities, 

 our livestock, our environment, our markets 

 and our industry systems. 


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1. Adoption rates of industry advocated programs and innovations has significantly increased

2. Develop and implement a longterm
sector wide workforce strategy; to prepare and plan for the future  workforce needs of the sector ensuring the scope of the strategy encompasses
grass-roots education initiatives, employment pathways and skills  enhancement

3. Training and upskilling rates have increased to provide the industry with the skills and capability it needs, resulting in improved industry practices

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1. Our industry’s net carbon emissions have been reduced resulting in carbon neutrality by 2030

2. We are recognised by domestic consumers and international customers as world leaders in agricultural environmental management and stewardship practices

3. Sustainability framework adoption rates and investment in environmental sustainability initiatives has increased, resulting in practice change that maintains natural capital and improves


4. The development and use of new risk management tools and farming systems has increased, resulting in demonstrated whole of supply chain practice change

5. Participation in programs that eliminate or mitigate the risk of environmental biosecurity threats has increased

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1. Customer and consumer satisfaction rates for our red meat products and their role in a healthy balanced diet have increased across all markets

2. Customer, consumer and community approval and trust of the Australian red meat and livestock industry has increased

3. Customer, consumer and community understanding and recognition of our industry’s role and value has increased


4. Customers, consumers and community approval and trust in our animal health and welfare practices has increased

5. Customers, consumers and community approval and trust in our environmental management and stewardship has increased

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1. We have doubled the value of Australian red meat sales by 2030 compared to a 2020 baseline

2. Trade agreements have delivered preferential access in a majority of Australia’s red meat export markets


3. Non-tariff trade barriers have been reduced by $1 billion by 2030 compared to a 2020 baseline

4. Our products are preferred in the market segments and product categories we wish to trade in

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1. Our industry demonstrates world leadership in whole of supply chain animal health and welfare practices.

2. The innovation, development
and adoption of tools that
enhance livestock performance,
productivity and return on
investment has increased across
the supply chain



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1. Domestic users’ recognition of the value and importance of integrity programs has increased, resulting in  100% participation in coordinated  industry integrity systems by 2030

2. Innovative approaches to regulation and compliance have been developed and adopted, resulting in reduced cost and increased regulatory efficiency, efficacy and transparency

3. Usage of digital tools and connectivity has increased for all
industry participants

4. The industry has achieved nationally harmonised and effective livestock traceability systems from point of export back to property of origin


5. Australia’s integrity system delivers world leading food safety, quality, and assurance outcomes, resulting in increased trust and demand from international customers and an effective
biosecurity preparedness and response capability

6. Industry investment in whole of supply chain biosecurity systems has increased and is continually monitored to mitigate incursion risk and maintain Australia’s disease free status

7. Effective data sharing governance frameworks and standards have been agreed, developed and implemented along the supply chain.


The Australian red meat and livestock industry has had a long track record of achievement and success by working together. RMAC, its member Peak Industry Councils and the industry’s three research and development corporations will continue this by annually assessing the industry’s progress towards achieving the 26 success indicators identified in Red Meat 2030 using a purpose built, repeatable reporting framework from 2023.


This process will enable the identification of any gaps or delays in achieving the Red Meat 2030 strategic priorities and help to address by pinpointing where further activity and attention is required. Performance assessments outcomes will be clearly articulated to internal and external stakeholders to maintain responsibilities and accountabilities across the industry and ensure the effective roll out of the strategy and its review and refinement over its life.

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